Melbourne 03 8615 0600
Sydney 02 9011 6633
Adelaide 08 8463 0640
Darwin 08 8948 1222

Mitigate Financial Impact

When a loss occurs, as the Insured person or entity you are obligated to take all measures reasonably within your power to mitigate the extent of the loss. Your insurer will not pay any consequential losses which may have reasonably been avoided due to own failure to meet your obligations. Taking reasonable steps can be:

  • Undertaking make safe or temporary repairs
  • Expedition of repairs
  • Paying staff costs to assist with clean up

Should you require any assistances of advice, please free to contact our Claims Manager.

Insurance Advisernet Australia

Pace Insurance Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd
AFSL No. 240549 | Corporate Authorised Representative No. 406993
Visit the Insurance Advisernet website.